
2-Июнь, 2024-жыл, жекшемби, Бишкек убактысы 08:38

Second National Forum On Reduction Of Poverty Is Held In Bishkek

BISHKEK. The second national forum devoted to problems of reduction of poverty in Kyrgyzstan was held in Bishkek today. The gathering assessed the results of governmental activities in fighting poverty since the first forum held in January last year. President Askar Akayev told the forum that the level of poverty has decreased to 10 percent in the last three years and it is expected to reduce the level of poverty to more 5 percent by 2005.
About 75,000 families received micro-loans for 1.1 billion soms in 2002. The sum of micro-loans increased in 2002 by 65 percent compared to the previous year. The forum was organized in the framework of the Program of comprehensive development of Kyrgyzstan until 2010 and the National strategy for reduction of poverty in 2003-2005.